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Life in polluted cities. A new study has found that 7 million people die every year from air pollution. The problem with air pollution is that it has unseen effects on our bodies. Air pollution raises the rate of stroke, hearth disease, and lung cancer. How to protect your health in a city with poor air quality? Check the air pollution forecast in your area and avoid exercising outdoors when the levels are high. Don't exerise in areas with lots of traffic even on good air quality days. Improve your air quality, you can invest in an air purifier and improve the air quality in your own home.

Country air is generally cleaner than the city, which is partly due to the ability for plant life and woodlands to absorb carbon dioxide.  Previous research has also shown that pollution removal by trees impacts human health. Trees remove air pollution primarily by uptake of pollutants via leaf stomata (pores on the outer “skin” layers of the leaf). Some gaseous pollutants are also removed via the plant surface. But during the winter months, the smog is caused by coal-based heating. Burning coal is also a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution.

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